Social Security determines the base payment amount for a beneficiary based on their “Living Arrangement.” Most beneficiaries will be classified into these five categories:

  • Independent living status – Examples: Rent an apartment. Own a home.
  • Living in someone else’s household – Examples: Live with parents or family. Do not pay rent or household expenses.
  • Living in a foster care home
  • Private non-medical facility (five people or less) – Example: Residential care home.
  • Private non-medical facility (more than five people)

Hawaii’s 2013 base monthly payment rates are listed below.

CategoryEligible IndividualEligible Couple
Independent living status$750.00$1,125.00
Living in someone else's household$500.00$750.00
Living in a foster care home$1,401.90$2,765.80
Private non-medical facility (five people or less)$1,401.90$2,765.80
Private non-medical facility (five people or more)$1509.90$2,981.80

A beneficiary can receive less than the full payment rate if they have other sources of income. For more information, refer to SSI Income Formula.