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By: Nicole McDermott

Whether you want to be a millionaire (so frickin’ bad) or just want to save a few bucks here or there, there are some surprisingly easy ways to tuck away a little cash. Let’s face it: Stressing out over money can be seriously stressful, but taking control of spending and saving even just a pocket-full of George Washington’s can help alleviate some of the worry. From shopping smart to taking care of your clothes, we’ve got 94 easy ways to save more money, fast.

Banking and Budgeting

1. Pick a bank that gives back. Look for a bank that makes the most sense for you. Seek out perks like no ATM fees, high interest on savings accounts, and no overdraft fees. Smaller banks often offer better interest rates and perks. If your bank doesn’t offer these perks, call them and ask if they will.


Continue reading on 94 creative ways to save money.