
Preparing for your job interviews is essential. The more you know about a company and its industry, the better. Also, learn as much as you can about the type of job for which you are interviewing ahead of time. A list of questions about the job and the company can show that you have done your homework. Practicing common interview questions with friends can also help you impress the potential employer.

On the day of the interview,  make sure you come to the interview early, and dressed as professionally as possible. Bring at least two copies of your résumé to refer to during the interview. One copy for you, one for the interviewer.  Be kind and courteous to everyone you meet. Silence your cell phone before the interview. Be yourself and answer questions honestly.

Disclosing Your Disability is Voluntary

You should know that companies and individuals interviewing you cannot ask you if you are disabled or ask about the nature of your disability.They may not ask if you have a disability, or what type of medications you are taking. Employers may not ask you to take a medical examination during or before the interview process. They can only ask if you can perform the duties of the job with reasonable accommodation.


It is your responsibility to request an accommodation for the interview. If you do not ask, the interviewer will not know that you want one. Reasonable accommodations include holding the interview in an accessible location, providing sign language interpreters, or providing a reader for an applicant who is blind.

You should never be asked to pay for an accommodation. The employer pays for accommodations, unless it creates an undue hardship to the employer.